Horny Couple Outdoor Romance

I was relieved to see that she wasn't just OK with what I was doing, because she pulled out my cock and started to stroke it. My cock was a bit different than Joe's. It's about 7 inches, slightly shorter than his, but thicker at 2 inches. It's also uncircumcised, so when Sarah plays with the head, it's super sensitive. This only got me hornier.I leaned even further over the seat and took the head of Joe's cock in my mouth. It wasn't the first time his cock was in my mouth, but it was the first time it was erect and in my mouth. I really loved that feeling. Sarah seemed to be getting turned on by what she was seeing too, because she started stroking me faster and gripped me harder.Sarah kept her head about her a little better than Joe and I, because she reminded us that we were in a fairly well lit parking lot and we might want to take this somewhere else. We quickly decided that we should all go to Sarah's house, as her mother was away for the weekend and we'd have the place to. Let me do. I won’t disturb you. Please. I will play by myself.” I said, “But anyways, you are playing with me. I would get aroused then.” She, “No, but I want to play.” I said, “Ok.” She, “Just roll in front.” I rolled in front as I was sleeping on back side. While she brought a black cloth and tide it on my eyes. Then, she brought two ropes and tied my hands to the bed. I said, “What you doing all this?” She, “Just preparing for the play.” I was feeling lazy, so I didn’t opposed much and let her do her work.She put her hand on my legs and lifted my skirt towards up. And, slowly she was rubbing my legs, came to thighs and bent over it and licked my thigh. She then spreaded my legs and then licked my inner thighs. Then she told me to raise my ass, I did and she took off my skirt and panty together. There I was lying half nude with tied legs. I don’t know that two males were watching all these action. Then, urvi spread my legs more and started licking my pussy, with slowly inserting.
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