.. victims?" A silent witness, yes. She became the most subservient slave possible, never speaking much louder than a whisper, cowed by constant humiliation and torture and rape. Only those secret letters to me kept her sane I think. If they had found those letters, they probably would have killed her because she acted simple for them, stupid, you know? She had been stupid once, being charmed by the chauffeur and creating me. But even then, at least according to her, she had chosen wisely. Handsome and intelligent, he produced a brilliant and beautiful progeny. Whatever." Uhm, your mother ... Can you tell me..." I don't know, but I fear she's dead. The last victim we rescued from that plantation never saw her. In a way I hope she's dead, because life ... especially when I escaped..." Gina cried."I'm sorry." It's okay. I need to tell you. It's why we're here. Ask me something." I don't want to..." Please. You have to know." Okay. The deflowering." Yes. I guess I kind of lucked out.. After reading the results, Dr. Lyons looked at his charming but very ill patient.and said, "Tell me the truth, Kate, are you aware that if you don't take your blood levels and inject your insulin and eat properly, you could lose a limb, your eyesight or your very life?"She replied, "Of course." Then you don't care, because this paperwork, and your last three visits to the ER, show me that you must not." It's not that at all, in between school and work, not to mention..." Enough excuses, Kate, you don't care but I do care about my patients who act like naughty girls and don't listen. Girls who don't do what they are told get put over my knee and get a sound spanking on the bare bottom." You can't do that." Actually I can, I must and I will, remember when you first were referred to me, your mother agreed to allow me to do what I deem necessary to make you comply and she still has a court order giving her power of your medical care until your 25th birthday. We can call her..." Oh no....
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