Gangbang With Sluts In Foursome Sex
So, with that very thought, my curiosity gets the best of me. I could no longer resist my temptation. Slowly, I turn her around, facing me, place my hands on her abdomen very briefly, then slide them down, right beneath the edge of her skirt. She’s now clinching tight fists with both hands, looking as if she knows I’m about to get ornerier. She sighs, takes a deep breath, opens her mouth, tries to speak. I quickly slide my hands up her legs beneath her skirt, this action completely stunning her, and causes her to be speechless. My fingers finally reaching her wet panties. Rubbing my fingers all around the wetness seemed to be arousing her as much as me. I felt my body tingling with pleasure all throughout. My arousal so intense that my full bladder was about to burst, I struggle to regain control, but just then I feel her body shake, her knees shiver as she bounces to the pee pee dance. Quickly I realize, we all four are bursting and doing the pee dance, it’s time we head for our. This Particular incident happened when i was on a friends hen do (not the bride in my pictures unfortunately). i decided to stay at Emma's house after this particular hen as she lived close to the town we were clubbing in and it was just convenient if I'm honest. Emma in my eyes is a beauty of a woman long thick mousey coloured hair that reached down to her lower back she isn't fat by any means but she has got some curves shall we say she has thick womanly thighs a huge ass and big thick thighs with i would hazard a guess at cup tits. her lips are naturally full and she rarely wears make up a real naturally beautiful woman with all the right lumps and bumps hehe. Emma is with me in a photo from my album i will send it you if you request.I met all the girls at the brides house and before long we had opened and finished 4 bottles of wine between us and i wont lie was feeling merry, Emma was in charge of taxis and after our 5th bottle said that the taxi was outside and of we went.I wont.
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