Her Fisted Butthole Is All Bloody Sexy Fuck...

Is the cure sometimes worse than the disease? I’m not wishing I had gone fishing instead, if that’s your real question. Except for missing Sally, life is pretty good.There is much to relate.First, before you ask, Sally still exists, just simpler, not in her original form. Feeling relieved? Before I explain what has happened to Sally, I want to explain what has happened to me. Unconscious Sally won’t mind my usurping center stage, taking precedence.Second, I’m much cleverer now. My long cherished wish has come true. Too much of a good thing can have consequences. I am now too clever for my own good!Third. The SECRET IS SAFE!Fourth, we moved! To the country. A different country, and to a rural setting. Not for evasive purposes, but for privacy. Actually, for psychiatric reasons. A psychopath, a homicidal maniac is on the loose. Me. Distancing myself is necessary for public safety.Fifth. I’m driving. Hahahahahahaha (Interminable peals of hysterical psychotic laughter!) With echo chamber. Mrsrchl:which e mail?mrsrchl:i did for a while. i didnt have an account for at least 6 monthsmrsrchl:was it my outlook e mail?chickzdigmeyup:missourimisses and rach538chickzdigmeyup:yea outlookchickzdigmeyup:wowchickzdigmeyup:not gonna lie, my heart is racing sitting here.chickzdigmeyup:a bit nervous i guessmrsrchl:whats your e mail? to be honest i may have blocked you, i went through a phase were I was needing to block everything that had to do with this site so I may have blocked you-I get a call form the work phone--I answer--blah blah blah--more blah blah-mrsrchl:oh really?mrsrchl:afraid i might say something like spread your legs?chickzdigmeyup:yeamrsrchl:do itmrsrchl:nowmrsrchl:you latino slut :kissy-I finally get off the phone-chickzdigmeyup:yeamrsrchl:am i the only one who knows exactly what you need?chickzdigmeyup:yepmrsrchl:i bet none of the other women on here have done it for you like i canmrsrchl:I love thatchickzdigmeyup:they haven't come closemrsrchl:fuck.
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