He rang the doorbell and since I had the door open with only the storm door closed, I yelled out, " Be right there". I held the towel up to me to make it look as though he interrupted me taking a shower and opened the storm door and told him to step in since I had to sign the special electronic clipboard he was holding out. As soon as I reached to hold the clipboard, my towel fell to the floor. I pretended to be shocked and placed my left hand over my pubic area as he held the clipboard. I signed it and apologized for being in the shower as I let my hand move away so he could get a look at my shaved pussy. He thanked me and walked away. I must admit that in a matter of a few minutes, I was on the sofa taking care of matters since that always makes me need an orgasm. I won't tell my husband about it since he always wants to share my experiences which he does sometimes while we are on vacation such as last fall while we stayed at a hotel for 3 days in West Virgina which was. Haunting and eerie, it was an abode of the damned, a place of lost hopes and shattered dreams, forsaken by the powers that had made it grand, and given over to evil. The canopy was so thick that darkness persisted even on the brightest day. The ground was littered with the gore and viscera of fallen warriors. The rivers were filled to the brink with the blood of an unstoppable holocaust, and all around there lay the heavy stench of slaughter in the air. So tremendous was the misfortune of the woods, that its roads served now as highways of necromancy, ferrying demons back and fourth between mass graves, where would they sort through the organs and limbs for food, fuel, and magical experiments of a kind so wicked that they cannot be described. Indeed, that was the fate of the forest, to house those evil wretches, the conquerers who feasted daily upon rotting meats. This was their territory now, bought with the blood of the innocent and the virtuous. The day of the invasion had been.
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