Mike Pounds AfterHours (Can We Stop Pt 2) #3

Okay, yeah, that was a good plan. I just needed to wait for Chastityand her date to leave and then I could slip away upstairs. At the veryleast I could then get some clothes on. As fun as it sounds, goingaround naked at a party is a little much, even for me.What I saw when I peered out the crack next, however, sent me reeling.I blinked and looked again. It was like something out of a body-horrormovie. It was like... how do I even begin to describe what I wasseeing? It was like... it was like someone had torn the two of themapart bodily, shuffled up the pieces, then stitched them back on thewrong body. Except, you know, with way less blood.I don't know why I'm trying to explain this to you, you know full wellwhat the thing can do.Never before in my life had I ever had cause to question my sanity, butwhat else but madness could explain what I was looking at? Their headswere the same... kinda... but the guy's torso now prominently featuredChastity's enormous tits jutting out from under. As their power grew, so did their ambition. By the end of the sixteenth century they controlled the most powerful nations in the world, like England, France, Russia, etc. and held it so well, that people officially in charge, didn't know they were being led by the vampires. One example is the American Revolution. The two leaders of the American and English groups to discuss a few matters, and began talking about what would happen if the colonies rebelled against English rule, and that slowly became a bet. When they got back home, the English leader made several difficulties for the colonists, like raising the tax for export, and the American leader convinced the Americans to rebel against this oppression.I find no need to say what happened, as it is in history. All I can say is that the English leader lost the bet, and a beautiful villa on the coast of Florida.During that time, Martos and several chosen scientists were working on new technologies, ranging from tools and other items,.
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