Desi Deepvali Dicked

So I do, and I just make my way directly down the steep hill, holding on to limbs, bushes, whatever. And I emerge along the lower trail close to the tree where the k** is standing. Taking the direct approach, I go right up to him behind the tree and grab his cock and grab him around his cute waist and start jacking his cock and nuzzling him and kissing his face and just wanting to fucking HAVE this guy, and he acts like, what were you waiting for, dumbshit? And then we are just ON each other and I ask if I can suck his cock, and he says do it, and then I'm trying to stuff his meat down my throat. I know from these stories it sounds like I have some kind of black guy fetish, but I really don't. I'm not attracted to them anymore than anyone else, but I have no prejudice either. It's just that these guys were so fucking hot.Back to RC Park. This guy is somebody I saw later (that was even better than this for me), and his name was Bern. Now he's standing there with at least 9" of 2". We needed to rest and try and setup some kind of plan. Our night vision was an advantage in the dark but not knowing where we were going or how many bad guys made it too much of a risk. The boss man was giving us a lot of information but I was worried how reliable it was.[Amanda]An old man in medical scrubs and a white clinical jacket came in with a couple of females also in medical scrubs. He began talking to the group up in the observation area explaining exactly what he was about to do to Jen and me. I began to cry.[Doctor]Nurse local anesthetic, the process starts by injecting a local anesthetic at the four points the screws will be inserted. I use a circular pattern outward from the point of insertion to get about a 1" to 1½" area. Next the drill using a 1/8" bit with a depth guard that allows the drill to enter the bone marrow canal, this is measured from x-rays of the wrists and ankles. I prefer to drill and then insert the screw ensuring proper placement and bleeding control..
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